The corona crisis hit many people hard. Health-wise – and economically. Short-time work, shop closings, and downsizing have an impact on your own finances. What to do when the budget is tight Check fixed costs, shop consciously, and much more.

You Can Use These Tips to Save Money in 2022

Our savings tips also help you to set aside one or two euros regardless of the Corona crisis.

Take Stock

Hand on heart: how many black sweaters do you have in your closet? And how often have you wanted to buy a third or fourth?

We tend to bunker far too many things, first of all, we don’t need them, secondly, we already have them twice and three times, and thirdly because we don’t even remember that we have them for a long time. The logical consequence: you buy in abundance. This is not only bad for your wallet, but also for the environment.

Means: Now mucking out is the order of the day! And properly. And not just in the closet. Also books, decorations, utensils. Weigh: What do you really need? What triggers a feeling of happiness in you? What can go away? Sorting out not only frees your home from unnecessary ballast but also your soul (yes, it really makes you happy!) – and incidentally induces you to use money more sparingly. Because exactly these questions will pop up in the future when you are about to buy the umpteenth candlestick again.

We recommend the bestseller “Magic Cleaning” by Marie Kondo, who became famous for her cleaning up method – as well as the Netflix series “Cleaning up with Marie Kondo”. Here the Japanese explain exactly how you can proceed to separate yourself from superfluous things, to create permanent order, and, ultimately, to save money.

Check Your Fixed Costs

Do you have an eye on how much money is being withdrawn from your bank account month after month (rent, train ticket, electricity, mobile phone contract, fitness studio), and can you optimize something here? Sure, there are some things that cannot be shaken, such as your rent, but some things do. For example:

Electricity and gas bill

More than a third of American households are in the general basic supply and do not choose their electricity and gas provider themselves. You can and should change that. Because in this way you can save several hundred dollars per year. And it’s really easy.

With comparison portals, you can filter for cheap, sustainable alternatives. The change of provider is also easy online with a click. And when you sign a new contract, the new provider automatically terminates the old one for you. It couldn’t be easier.

The change is worthwhile every year, by the way – you save year after year. Set a reminder for this so that you don’t miss the notice period.

Cell phone tariffs

Have you had the same cell phone contract for tens of years? Take a look around online. You are sure to find cheaper tariffs by now.


When it comes to insurance (liability, motor vehicle, supplementary insurance, etc.), you can save money by switching providers. The following also applies here: Annual payments are cheaper than monthly or quarterly payments.

Account management fees

Do you pay fees for your bank account? There are now a number of direct banks that no longer incur account management fees. Everything happens online. Customer service is often even available 24 hours a day.


Regardless of Corona: Do you really use your gym? Or are you only registered pro forma? Do you need a monthly membership or can you get away cheaper with a day pass? Maybe it’s the other way around and you visit the studio regularly. Then an annual or two-year membership is cheaper in comparison.

Car Costs and Train Tickets

If you live in a place with a dense public transport network, you should use buses and trains more often, not only for the sake of your budget but also for the sake of the environment.

Have you been doing this for a long time, but are now more and more in the home office? Then check whether you still need your train subscription or whether single journeys are now cheaper.

Your car is just in the garage? In larger cities, a comparison with car-sharing options would be worthwhile. After all, you pay your vehicle fee month after month and sometimes also monthly parking costs, even if you don’t move your car.

Save when shopping

When you go to the supermarket with a shopping list, you only buy what you really need and you won’t be tempted to make impulse purchases.

When buying groceries – even if you want to save – pay attention to quality, regionality, and freshness. It’s better to take less with you – and go to the supermarket once more. Unfortunately, many people buy in abundance, so too much food ends up in the trash.

By the way: Food can be kept even beyond the best before date (as the name suggests). Trust your own judgment and not a number on the packaging!

Tip: Do you really need bottled water from the beverage store? Or maybe the tap water does it after all? That could save you a huge amount of money in the long run.

Shopping properly

Shopping triggers feelings of happiness. Who would know better than us? That’s why you should treat yourself to a new piece of clothing every now and then. But: You should be sure that the part will make you really happy (see Marie Kondo method).

Our tip: sleep on it! Before you strike, take a photo or save the part, wait at least a week. Now you look at it again: does it still trigger the same feeling of happiness in you or have you perhaps long forgotten it? With more expensive purchases, it’s best to let even more time pass.

Tip: With vintage or second-hand fashion, you can get the parts cheaper, firstly, and secondly, it is more economical.

Save in everyday life

Do you really need the cappuccino from the bakery every day or is the filter coffee from home or the office enough for you? Do you want to go to the canteen for lunch every day or don’t you prefer to prepare a dish for work the day before? The latter also has the advantage that you know exactly which foods are processed.

Tip: If you cook yourself instead of going out to eat or hiring a delivery service, you always save money.

Save and invest

The goal of saving, of course, is to put what you have saved aside. So pay a fixed amount into a savings or overnight deposit account every month. Important: It should be a separate account that you do not touch for your fixed costs.

All the money that you did not expect comes into this account. Bonuses, for example, or tax refunds. Or when there is a raise in salary. You can invest the net difference directly there. After all, you did pretty well without the bonus in the meantime.

Don’t be afraid to invest some of your money in stocks, equity funds, or ETFs. In crises like Corona, the following applies: stay cool and don’t sell in panic. The economy usually recovers and then runs better than before.


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